
 16 Dec 24


David Schwartz, Ripple's chief technology officer, has warned of potential supply shortages for the new RLUSD stablecoin. This concern arose after Xamax, a popular XRP wallet, displayed XRP priced at $1,200, indicating strong demand. Schwartz assured the community that the stablecoin's price will st...

Ripple's CTO, David Schwartz, has warned about potential supply shortages for the new RLUSD stablecoin, following reports of exorbitant pricing on Xamax, a popular XRP wallet. Schwartz assured the community that the stablecoin's price will stabilize post-launch, cautioning against speculative investment and emphasizing potential short-term price fluctuations.

The stablecoin recently received regulatory approval from the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS) and is expected to launch soon.

David Schwartz, Ripple's chief technology officer, has cautioned the XRP community about potential supply shortages for the new RLUSD stablecoin. This concern arose after Xamax showed XRP priced at $1,200, leading to speculation about strong demand. Schwartz assured stabilization of the stablecoin's price post-launch and warned against FOMO, emphasizing the potential for short-term price fluctuations. The stablecoin has received regulatory approval from NYDFS and is slated for an official launch.


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 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25