
 12 Dec 24


Open Builders, the creators of Notcoin (NOT), have introduced a new platform called Earn. This platform aims to change how Telegram's 900 million users engage with and benefit from token holding. Earn allows Telegram communities to easily grow their token holdings and be rewarded for their loyalty w...

Open Builders has introduced a new platform called Earn, aiming to revolutionize token holding on Telegram. This platform offers rewards for token holding without the complexity of traditional staking systems. Earn differentiates itself with dynamic rewards, exclusive pools, and diverse token options. It reflects a shift from tap-to-earn games, aiming to counter declining user interest. The sustainability of the holding-to-earn mechanism depends on Telegram's ability to address user concerns and learn from past failures.

Earn enables Telegram communities to easily grow their token holdings and be rewarded for their loyalty without the complexity of traditional staking systems. It features unique aspects such as dynamic hourly rewards, multiple and exclusive pools, and on-chain snapshots with no minimum requirements. Tokens like BUILD and NOT PX will be featured, aiming to foster deeper engagement within Telegram communities.

Earn is designed to reward users simply for holding tokens without the complexity of traditional staking systems, catering to the needs of Telegram users with dynamic hourly rewards, multiple and exclusive pools, and on-chain snapshots with no minimum requirements. The initiative reflects a shift in user interest away from tap-to-earn games and aims to counter declining user numbers and engagement issues on the TON blockchain.

The success of the holding-to-earn mechanism will depend on Telegram's ability to address user concerns and improve from the failures of tap-to-earn gaming. The sustained user growth of this mechanism remains to be seen, contingent on Telegram's efforts to mitigate user concerns and improve from past failures.


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 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25