
Billionaire Ken Fisher's firm, Fisher Asset Management, significantly increased its holdings in JPMorgan Chase by about $800 million in Q3, adding 4.04 million shares. The firm's exposure to the bank rose by 31%, bringing its total holdings to 16.78 million shares. Additionally, the firm expanded it...

Fisher Asset Management significantly increased its holdings in JPMorgan Chase by about $800 million in Q3, adding 4.04 million shares, resulting in a 31% rise in exposure to the bank. This brings the firm's total holdings in JPMorgan Chase to 16.78 million shares. The firm also expanded its top holdings to include Apple, Microsoft, NVIDIA, Amazon, and Alphabet.

Additionally, Fisher Asset Management increased exposure to a wide range of companies, such as Taiwan Semiconductor, Walmart, Exxon Mobil, and others, but reduced exposure to American Express, Novo-Nordisk, and Stryker Corp. The firm's portfolio saw a growth of about six percent in Q3, reaching $244 billion. Fisher Asset Management currently has approximately 160,000 clients and manages around $260 billion in total assets.


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 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25