Keith Gill, also known as Roaring Kitty or DeepFuckingValue, humorously acknowledged the significant decrease in his GameStop holdings on Twitter. GameStop shares have fallen by 15% to approximately $24, marking a 63% decrease from their peak price of $64.75. Despite this, Gill remained upbeat durin...
Keith Gill, also known as Roaring Kitty, experienced a 63% decrease in GameStop shares, with the stock falling 15% to approximately $24. This marked a significant decline from its peak price of $64.75. Despite this, Gill remained upbeat during a livestream, even as his GameStop holdings incurred substantial losses. His previous online activity had led to a short-lived stock price rally, with a 30% slip by the time of the stream.
Before this recent decline, GameStop shares had surged as high as $64.83 around mid-May, influenced by Gill's return to online posting. However, as of the latest update, GameStop shares have fallen by 8% over the past five trading days. Despite this, they are still up 38% since Gill resumed posting in mid-May.
Gill humorously acknowledged the decrease in his GameStop holdings on Twitter, posting a meme image showing a man pointing at himself in the reflection of a mirror with the caption "You were a billionaire." His overall attitude during the livestream was upbeat, despite incurring $235 million in daily losses on paper for the purported holdings he showed on-screen. He expressed resignation, stating, "It is what it is. What am I going to do?"
Prominent Twitter accounts in the finance space speculated that Gill was on track to become a billionaire as GameStop soared, but the stock's price slip resulted in a short-lived rally after Gill's livestream. Nevertheless, GameStop shares have seen a 38% increase since Gill's return to online posting in mid-May, despite the recent 8% decline over the past five trading days.
As of this writing, GameStop shares have fallen 8% over the past five trading days, closing at $26.19. Despite these fluctuations, Gill's social media activity continues, showcasing his resilient and engaging presence online.