
 18 Sep 23


<p>Wedbush believes that any potential legal troubles faced by Amazon, such as a lawsuit from the FTC, would not significantly impact the company's long-term growth prospects and presents a buying opportunity. The analyst firm highlights Amazon's dominance in the e-commerce space, its expansio...

Christiana Sciaudone, SA News Editor\r\n\r\n\r\nShould (NASDAQ:AMZN) see any weakness thanks to the Federal Trade Commission, Wedbush ","importance":"normal","conversationId":"AAQkADNiNDZiZmEwLTQyM2UtNDc1YS1hZDkyLWY2NTMwNzY2NjNmZgAQADfYNuViF0JdmFDpRYzZ_EA=","isRead":false,"isHtml":true,"body":"\r\n


08:59 AM |, Inc. (AMZN) |


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 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25