
 10 Sep 23


<p>Microsoft's Xbox head, Phil Spencer, is confident that the company will receive approval from regulatory bodies to complete its acquisition of video game maker Activision. Spencer expressed his optimism in an interview with Bloomberg TV, stating that they are confident in the work they are ...

Microsoft's Xbox head, Phil Spencer, is confident that the company will receive approval from regulatory bodies to complete its acquisition of video game maker Activision. Spencer expressed his optimism in an interview with Bloomberg TV, stating that they are confident in the work they are doing with the UK's Competition and Markets Authority (CMA), the European Commission, and the US Federal Trade Commission (FTC). This comes as the CMA opened a Phase 1 probe into the deal last month and set a decision deadline for October 18th. The CMA is the final regulatory hurdle for the acquisition, as it previously blocked the deal due to antitrust concerns.


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 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25
 17 Jan 25